
2Topps Loge

Similar to the 4Topps loge box, this 2-person unit is perfect for an intimate and private space for small parties. The 2Topps stadium loge seating fits into 5’ X 5’6” of space and generates tremendous ROI, offering both loge seating and premium loge seating options for enhanced comfort and style.

Frame Color

The 2Topps Loge frame is currently available in our standard color swatches, which are displayed below. However, if you require a customized mesh color or mesh that includes your company logo, please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.

Mesh Color

The 2Topps Loge mesh is currently available in our standard color swatches, which are displayed below. However, if you require a customized mesh color or mesh that includes your company logo, please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.


2Topps Loge

  • 2Topps Loge seating on white background
Insta-Dry Mesh Fabric
Cool Comfort Mesh
Sling Cushioning
Universal Components
Built For Strength

4Topps is enhancing venues worldwide. Explore our installs and discover where 2Topps Loge is featured.
